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Education Programs for Newly Graduated Nurses in Hospitals: A Scoping Review

Korean Journal of Adult Nursing 2020³â 32±Ç 5È£ p.440 ~ 454
KMID : 0367020200320050440
±è¹ÌÁ¤ ( Kim Mi-Jung ) - Kyungil University Department of Nursing

½Å¼öÁø ( Shin Su-Jin ) - Ewha Womans University College of Nursing
ÀÌÀοµ ( Lee In-Young ) - Ewha Womans University College of Nursing


Purpose: This study was a scoping review designed to identify research trends in education programs for newlygraduated nurses in Korea.

Methods: The methodological framework was based on a previous work by Arksey andO¡¯Malley. The studies reviewed were found through electronic databases, such as DBpia, RISS, PubMed, andCINAHL. The scope of the data was from January 2000 to December 2019. Each study was analyzed, and extracteddata were abstracted into the following domains: publication characteristics, study design, program details, andprogram evaluation.

Results: The 26 studies were reviewed. The majority of the educational domain was competencyenhancement education. The following teaching methods were used: lectures, demonstrations, simulations, teambased learning, and discussions. Most educational program evaluations involved reaction and learning evaluation.

Conclusion: Appropriate education is essential for newly graduated nurses to adapt to their work. However, therewas a lack of research on education programs for newly graduated nurses to adapt to their work before gaining clinicalexperience. Results indicate that it is necessary to develop various education programs and program evaluations. Future researchers should focus on nursing education programs to enhance the clinical competency of newlygraduated nurses.
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Nursing education, Literature review, Program evaluation
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ÇмúÁøÈïÀç´Ü(KCI) KoreaMed